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Status Updates posted by bass_stalker

  1. starting my first job at lowes tomorrow, should be interesting, gonna be working in the electrical department

    1. KillaCam


      I know someone who worked there, said it was the easiest job they had. Could be different depending on the store and supervisor though.

    2. bass_stalker


      we'll see how it goes,

    3. Nates_Veloster
  2. had to laugh my ass off when some locals referred to me as the next steve meade after i gave them a demo

    1. ROLEXrifleman


      happened to me too when I was 17 except her dad called me the next John Holmes after he walked in on us.

    2. Neckbeard
    3. Purplehaze



      Rolex has jokes!

  3. i think it might be time for a rebuild, more power, and some deadener

    1. SLAYER1805
    2. ghostrider59927


      already started time to double my power and subs

  4. Finally figured out what was causing the annoying squeek in my jeep, two of the mounting screws for my amp loosened alittle and were rubbing on the mounting feet

    1. 8ight


      I go through my setup and tighten speaker terminals now and then, guess I'll add mounting to the list. If you don't have some kind of thread locking compound on it it's coming out eventually.

    2. bass_stalker


      aint that the truth, and that squeek was drving me nuts because i couldnt find it

  5. well apparently i dont have to worry about my dome light comming out any more, i accidentally gorilla glued it to the headliner

    1. alaskanzx5


      thank you, mine was breaking and i think i know what im gonna do to hold it in now lol.

    2. bass_stalker


      lol, well i wasnt trying to gorrila glue it in, i was just trying to attach small metal gussets to it to cover where it pulled through

  6. slowly learning how to use sketchup

    1. TylerParrish


      takes time, but it's very, very, very simple and easy

    2. Lbox88


      Once you get used to it you can fly through stuff. More just takes the getting used to than the learning.

  7. not even 5 minutes into 2012 and i meet a hdc3 15, this year is gonna rock

  8. going hang out at tantric tommorrow, getting my subs, amp, and deadener as well

    1. boom50cal


      fuck yeah, Murph is cool as shit. Maybe Tfade will be there too

    2. bass_stalker


      he will be, thats who i'm buying the amp from lol

  9. got a wet reminder not to pen a can of rc cola after playing bass

    1. purplesyrup


      lol, get sprayed did ya?

    2. bass_stalker


      very, went all over my seat too

  10. too many boxes to be built so little time

    1. cwm7741


      will u build me one?

    2. cwm7741


      want a custom rear deck on my 02 325 I with a dd 12 like rogue did

  11. god my mom is a cold woman lol she sees me freaking out because the set of projectors i was gonna buy was sold out, and fails to mention she secretly bought me a set. oh well she deserves to get a laugh,

  12. gotta love taco bell . manager calls me this morning and tells me to come in for a job interview @ 2:00, i show up there 5 minutes early just for the manager to tell me they already hired someone else. you would think that if they hired someone else that they would be nice and call me to let me know that instead of wasting my time and fuel

    1. moh.vze.com


      make sure to give that location a bad review on yelp.com

    2. SnowDrifter


      Be careful... Might get sued for a bad review

      Don't know what I'm talking about? Google "750,000 jewelry woman bad review"

  13. well i'm bored and i cant decide on what 18" i want

    1. WastedTalent


      Dibbs on your old one. Free right? Lmfao.

    2. bass_stalker


      i never had one before, i traded my two 15's for a badass amp which i'm gonna sell to get the 18"

  14. i swear when i find the guy who used permatex on my transmission pan instead of just buying the gasket, i will permatex his mouth shut

    1. kandiman71874


      you'd be surprised how many of the manufacturers use some kind of silicone instead of a gasket from the factory

    2. bass_stalker


      i doubt this was done at the factory, unless the oil wasnt changed in 12 years. i would hate to find that from the factory though

  15. i hate to say it but, 1: i need to get some business cards made, and 2: i have too many jobs lined up

    1. Captain Stupid

      Captain Stupid

      Better to be busy than bored I always say.

    2. bass_stalker


      dont get me wrong i like being known and having my install work seen by others, the logistics are just killing me right now

  16. nothing worse than not having a bass vehicle during mardi gras

    1. Wood


      or on any nice sunny day!

    2. hoit


      or beads...hell, it is Mardi Gras!!

  17. cleaning out my usb, 800+ songs to go through

    1. OrionStang
    2. bass_stalker


      well yeah a 4 gig usb doesnt hold much

  18. well i got my diablo 1000.1 prototype back from the amp repair guy, here was what was wrong with it pdm chip was fried (power suppy control chip) 393 ic chip was also fried (controls protection) 1 torrid transformer had a short (converts dc to ac power) weak solder joints (self expalinitory)

    1. will77530


      how long ago did you buy it

    2. bass_stalker


      i had to have parts of it fixed when i got it last year, id say maybie october or so

  19. the IT department at the college sucks, my domain access was revoked for no reason

    1. n8ball2013


      sucks when you make enemies with the guy with the god key huh

    2. Bump4life


      too much porn inn derrr?

  20. eating my GIC (government issue cookie) and drinking my GIM (government issue milkshake), damn i love mre's

    1. Maebros


      the only ones i like are the rasberry white chip cookies. and none  of the milkshakes are good

    2. bass_stalker


      i love the lemon poppyseed pound cakes, have you tried the milkshake with milk instead of water?

  21. i accidentally bumped a car into my jeep at like 5 mph, well apparently i shifted the whole car around and all that happened to my jeep was the fender slightly dented inwards

    1. SnowDrifter
    2. bass_stalker


      let me rephrase this. i was moving the car and i backed it into the jeep

  22. i swear people who try and fix rust holes with fiberglass without prepping the metal should be shot

    1. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      Imo...rust started metal(steel)...it should be cut out and welded correctly..no fiberglass

    2. OrionStang


      Exactly, its actually easier to cut and weld if you have the right tools and a little skill.

  23. anyone wanna see a video of that 20hz song from zip 31 in my jeep?

  24. i need to figure out what color hid bulbs i need to match my leds, i dont know if i need 5K or 6K

    1. Moreno93


      i feels you. I have way to many different color Leds, Lights, Hid's they need to make em all match.

    2. bass_stalker


      well the descriptions dont help either, my leds are 6K, but they seem to be a pure white which would be 5k

  25. nothing like cutting a trailer ball with a skillsaw

    1. Born_Again


      Why would you do such a thing?

    2. bass_stalker


      my hitch had a 3" ball and i needed a 2" ball. and the 3" ball was stuck

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