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Status Updates posted by meade916

  1. mmmm Turbo RZR 900 - getting closer to reality

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Krakin


      You'll just end up hurting your finger again.

      Or having the the bestest time everest!

    3. deathcards


      @krakin why not both?

    4. CVLover


      gonna be sick meade!!!!!!!!

  2. Money got me in an odd position - i was in the kitchen with the fridge missin'

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rockFord_Expedition


      I was like, what song is that? lol



      with a clip longer than a pool stick !

  3. Must be a full moon on a winter night......lots of annoying TROLLS online right now.  What makes some of these people get out of bed in the morning? Some miserable, no life having motherfuckers always trying to bring a brotha down.

  4. must be snitch season.. Some dude tried to tell on me on RF's FB page. I am not sponsored by RF so i don't know why they are trying to rat me out like i am gonna get in trouble...SMH LMAO!!

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. ALPINE408


      he thinks he might get hooked up by RF i bet money on it

    3. Keith77


      You almost broke the internet today. LOL

  5. my daughter turns 20 today, i turn 2! Today i celebrate my liberation from the clutches of that crazy old hag (her mother) and no more child support! Ahhh freedom feels good! Oh, happy b-day baby girl!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Congrats to the both of ya!!!...

    3. Emmet


      Congrats man, heres to a happy future :good:

    4. OrionStang


      Congrats, Steve.

  6. My GoPro 3 "Black" Edition will be here tomorrow! I hope its WAY better then my original GoPro which i hate (at least for car audio).  1080p @ 60fps and remote view with my iphone FTW though! Pics/vids when i get it!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. will77530


      that would be dope lol do it

    3. Azagtoth502


      1 in front and 1 in back to capture exhaust better

    4. stevog


      nice maybe use the go pros with chickens ferrari and your lexus and make a cool car video.

  7. N8, i dont have PM's turned on, email me at [email protected] - got somethin to axe' you.

  8. New Chicken Hill /Hallway Prod video in the Tunes section! peep it!

  9. New Chicken Hill /Hallway Prod video in the Tunes section! peep it!

    1. MarioB


      just checked it out shits sick. haven't listen to Doja Click since Hard on The Grind

  10. New Premium Classifieds - No "paper" required but your .99 cent listing fee means we know who you are. The free section will still be active but the premium section will have great benefits, including a PRIME spot on the main forum page. Try it! Re-list for half price!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. meade916


      ya you pay the .99 first. It worked flawlessly for me but i will text kyle and ask him if people are having issues

    3. meade916


      had it set to only allow admins to do it, you should be good now. Try it again!

    4. meade916


      Paid supporting members should be able to use this feature for free! If i did it right! If not, we will work on it more tomorrow.

  11. New track: QP feat. Psyph Morrison in the Tunez section - download now!

  12. NEW VIDEO Coming DD-1 vs IPAD over dock, headphone, and bluetooth - no CD just IPAD 3. (15min long DAMN!)

    1. SnowDrifter


      Come on, post it already. Hurry up :D

  13. NEW VIDEO TONIGHT - DD-1 vs IPAD over dock, headphone, and bluetooth - no CD just IPAD 3. Results surprising!

  14. no matter who you are, or how much i like you, if you are not an authorized member seller  here, do not try to sell your goods here.  You MAY sell your personal, used items in the for sale section however (if you qualify).  Thanks!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. meade916


      hit the advertise button up top and contact Snafu aka Tony C.

    3. SnowDrifter
    4. skyhighcaraudio


      i guess this was towards me. sorry. i assure you it wont happen again. working on it :) see you at autorama!!

  15. No sponsors for SOTM March 2014. That's ok, How about $150 CASH sponsored by SMD! Chode will have the contest up tonight or tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      PM me too. I'll kick something in this month

    3. meade916


      @carbon thanks man maybe next month, talk to Tony if you would like to sponsor. Thanks!

    4. meade916


      @will unfortunately it don't matter what you think it should be about. Don't enter if you don't agree with me giving away prizes SMH.

  16. Nothing like stumbling on a 3 year old post on another forum, and seeing some of you that i respected and trusted talking shit about me and/or piling on (agreeing when someone else is talking shit) Time to start getting rid of these double agent motherfu##rs.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SnowDrifter
    3. Swordlordboy1234


      I just wanna see said shit talkers get fucked with. Que n8.

    4. Barnett 313

      Barnett 313

      What up Meade, That's what I was telling guys on here about some of my socalled boys. When they need help they call you and yall are cool, but when your not around they talk shit and say they don't need you. Being in Detroit I see this everyday. Fuck them Steve

  17. NOTICE: the status update area is NOT your personal for-sale section. Do not post anything for sale here. If it is your used, personal items, you MAY sell in the for sale section or classifieds.

  18. One of the oldest sayings in the book is "you get what you pay for".....well apparently that is not always true. O-O

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      I'm jelly bro.....waiting......

    3. BeatBox


      i think i know what you are talking about, by chance is it blue?

    4. audiofanaticz


      David has done the best work on it yet and got paid the least, hard to top his craftsman ship

  19. Only owned my CNC 3 months and ALREADY got bootleg mothafucka's flat out copying my products. Jesus, could you be more blatent? Want my drawings too? SMH LOL.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rockbrook


      I figured that would happen, surprised they haven't tried to copy your other stuff(DD-1 etc) who did it?

    3. Second Skin

      Second Skin

      15 years of dealing with it here, new companies even name their companies/products similar to confuse the customers (i.e. DampMat/SoundSkins) but they are too inexperienced to understand that when you try to google their names it just brings up links to our 15 years of products....so we thank them for the extra attention.....their customers even call us up and we gladly sell them the greatest American made sound insulation products that their money can buy ;-) Second Skin For The Win!...

  20. ORDER a Distortion Detector DD-1 Today! SMDDD1 in the coupon code saves you $10.00 - all units hand signed - Small SMD Sticker included

  21. Orion: you deleted your post while i was replying you fucker! lol

    1. OrionStang


      My bad, boss. Don't want to be the cause of any drama.

    2. meade916


      hahah its all good mang no harm done here.

    3. audiofanaticz


      Steve got owned! ;p lol jk

  22. ORIONSTANG- you should have a drop-box invite of some sort.....keep an eye out for it!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. meade916


      hahah its gotta be below 25, possibly 20.. but ya my dashometer says LOW. lol

    3. OrionStang
    4. LT.Smoke


      I want the Psyph album but im broke :(


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ecco


      I must be missing something, because I see no color palate.

    3. E a r t h

      E a r t h

      Lots of awesome skins. Still like my old carbon. But infin dark, and $ are right uP there for me

    4. WC Car Audio

      WC Car Audio

      earth: i like the green one too haha......gaming: its up top to the right, a little square you click on. Its easy. Choose the infinite dark skin first though.

  24. please do not use the status update area to argue with mod/admin actions. Thank you.

  25. please refrain from using the status update as your personal for sale section. thanks! :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. megawagonman


      hello i am a ascendent dealer can you please call me i have just a few ? to ask thanks my # is 512-758-0101 kevin is my name . thanks

    3. EricVillalpando"


      hey steve,i'm lost on something that i'm working on and can really use your help.....was was the sequence that you used to flush mount the rockford fosgate power series 6.5"? I needed to know that so I could finish making my mdf trim rings before I start the fiberglassing my door panels.....plz....call me at 269-929-6049 my name is eric. and I love the whole rockford fosgate line and i've been using them since 1994.i also have the whole power series through out my chevy please...

    4. EricVillalpando"


      hey steve,i'm lost on something that i'm working on and can really use your help.....was was the sequence that you used to flush mount the rockford fosgate power series 6.5"? I needed to know that so I could finish making my mdf trim rings before I start the fiberglassing my door panels.....plz....call me at 269-929-6049 my name is eric. and I love the whole rockford fosgate line and i've been using them since 1994.i also have the whole power series through out my chevy please...

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