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Everything posted by Kyblack76

  1. How the hell do you not have or can't find a constant behind the dash? What's your deck hooked up to ? Hell, you have a battery in the vehicle yes?
  2. Couldn't happen to a nicer person. Good shit Rusty. Here's to the next 10.
  3. Hows everyone liking the new RITTZ album, and Uncharted 4 ??? Still need to go get mine.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. n8ball2013


      It's got some bangers. I had one yesterday and I thought my kidneys were gonna bleed

    3. ChevyBoy95


      Im No Good is one of them, track 19 I think.

    4. ChevyBoy95


      35, 45, 58 or something like that.

  4. Also. Just because you see a nice float charge doesn't mean the cell is fucked. Put a small ass 12v dc fan on it or something. If it tanks, you fucked.
  5. Wait. I thought there was one amp in protect and one with suden noise ? 2 amps, 2 problems? Did I wake and bake a lil to hard today and miss read?
  6. Having your sub amp protect should have nothing to do with your mid/high amp. Sounds like there's a issue with what's common to both. Which would be the source.
  7. I use my phone most of the time. I just use the FULL version screen. I looks just like if you where on a puter.
  8. Awesome. Brent is one of the realist, nicest cats in the game. I'm ALWAYS stoked when we hook up at shows. He and his entire family always made me feel so welcome. Just a pleasure to be around. He's a great person, and has put in Hella time. His eye for detail, fit and finish is top tier. Couldn't happen to a more deserving, cool person. Grats man.
  9. All about that foil backing for me. Was and is the difference Imho.
  10. Rusty and Anna are two of the best in the industry. Top tier people for sure.
  11. Saw Barber killed it at sbn this year. Do you have a walk around video of his rig? I heard 11 IA dps. Any more info would be awesome. Thanks. Kb
  12. Welcome back boo. Please to go to 18plus now ;)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Gotta come to WA man you'll fit right in

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Believe it or not, I might be in Seattle this summer. Either that or Portland where my brother lives

  13. The general spec for Bluetooth is 10 meters (33 feet) We do some special things with ours to be able to surpass this. We typically see 50 - 60 feet in our office with walls and stuff, outside in the parking lot we see about 100 feet. This is streaming from a iPhone 6S+ in my hand. Thanks again boo
  14. Ahmed. Get your ass back here

  15. Probably shouldn't, but I still feel bad seeing that tara semi burn.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. CstrokerV


      you think they will have a half off sale of the working ones so we can get one for Tony lol

    3. DTS909


      That's one hot set up

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