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Status Updates posted by audiolamb6

  1. so john force switched to chev and dropped castrol wonder how much long he's gonna keep racing

    1. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Fumes must have finally got to his head.

    2. OrionStang


      He's been asked before, and he always responds something like, "I don't know how long i'll go, I don't know what else to do, I don't how to do anything else." LOL

      He's great for the sport still.

    3. Azagtoth502


      Not that it matters...all Hemi based motors anyway.

  2. alt. on its way back to o.g. damn bearing goin out

    1. Bump4life


      Ohio generators?

      whats wrong with it?

    2. Bump4life


      im about to buy an OG . want to see whats up

    3. audiolamb6


      bearing going out making a loud noise but they said send it in its under warranty

  3. just watched the purge i another 2 hours of my life lost

    1. purplesyrup
    2. audiolamb6


      well im not gonna watch it again

    3. WastedTalent


      That's out already? Da fuq have I been? Lol.

  4. day has whent to shit wifes dog passed away gonna miss the little ankle biter

    1. moh.vze.com


      Sorry for your loss :(


    2. Ron36


      Sorry man pets are little family members. 

  5. wtf snow in alabama this sh!t needs to get out of here

    1. Cox


      Where are you located. It hasn't started where I am.

    2. audiolamb6
    3. SoundFreakk


      don't complain lol it's been snowing all week here taking me 1 hour more to get to school :ninja:

  6. come on heat u can do it

    1. BassHead1990


      no....no heat should not do it

    2. audiolamb6


      to bad they did

    3. BassHead1990
  7. roast of rob lowe was pretty funny

    1. Kyblack76


      was fucking awesome, i loved how ann coulter got fucking destroyed.... dumb cunt

    2. Kyblack76
    3. audiolamb6


      yes that was some of the best parts of of the whole show

  8. just ordered a kenwood ddx 719

    1. 8ight


      Badass! Hope nobody helps themselves to it, I've had bad luck with double DINs lol.

    2. WastedTalent


      i have a 516 and it's alright. i'm looking to upgrade shortly though. kenwood doubles are pretty good.

    3. audiolamb6


      i live in the woods so 8ight that wont be a problem and wasted i agree ive had my 942 for 4 years and no problem almost went with a sony but got a good deal

  9. bout ready to let the wife get a snake to get this damn mouse sumbitch ate the wires in the dishwasher

    1. 89capricebass


      Get ya one of those grumpy christmas cats.

    2. audiolamb6


      cats dont give a shit bout them

    3. Miguels


      glue traps with peanut butter gets them all the time

  10. looks like decaf is retiring posted on fb

    1. rocking.that.eclipse


      Too many people doing it now a days. I think Kris is a great guy tho and I hope to still see him around at shows.

    2. ChevyBoy95


      I still think Kris is one of the few who did it correctly, or should I say cared about the "art" of it. Every song was around the same level and sounded good. Now you have guys where one song is -10, the next is -3, the next is -6, etc with mid and highs all over the place as well as guys rebassing stuff and not having it be on beat.

  11. how the hell do i get an imagine of torre's ina post

    1. n8ball2013


      screenshot upload to photobucket paste img tag

    2. audiolamb6


      thanx n8 now if i can get some input

  12. why are dingle berrys brown cuz shit dont matter

    1. ToNasty


      Sometimes they're green

    2. audiolamb6


      sounds like you eatin to much greens

    3. Wicks


      Possibly the best quote ever....

  13. note to self remove battery handle b4 pitting in truck damn that hurt

    1. SnowDrifter


      Did the handle break? I tell you what I was glad I was wearing steel toes that day

    2. audiolamb6


      no i was taking it off the batt. and when it let go i hit my forehead full force

    3. Amart88
  14. just watched dallas buyers club some fucked up shit people had to go though when that was first diagnosed

    1. OrionStang


      WUT? How about some grammar, please.

    2. audiolamb6


      sorry ken i haz none

    3. MrSkippyJ


      glad I'm not the only one who couldn't figure out what that said.

  15. come on fedex i want my amp

    1. gally


      fedex is asleep during weekends

    2. audiolamb6


      they came bout 230 just finshed nookin it up and wouldnt you no the kickers lasted 3 minutes now i need obsidian to get back with me on them recones

  16. this is to much the guy that played alf died

    1. Karkov


      61 famous people died this year so far, well movie/TV stars, politicians etc.

    2. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      Damn that sux rip alf

  17. everyone needs to check out making a murdered

    1. jcarter1885
    2. Keith77


      is a show... I heard good things on it

  18. ampere on the way big thanx kyle and andrew

    1. n8ball2013
    2. audiolamb6


      shit i dont think the havoc would like it nate

  19. come on some one has got to pick up my dc 2k the price is to good to pass

    1. Casket


      Wish i had the cash. Price is awesome indeed.

    2. audiolamb6


      i may go a little low but not much

  20. well my ddx719 is given me problems called crutchfield and the say i can switch it for somein else thinkin of goin with the 80prs

    1. audiolamb6


      srp cant find anything worth a shit and i had planned to use the open space for a vm-1

  21. wow wife was just looking through netflix and found friz the cat

    1. ROLEXrifleman


      its better than looking in your closet and finding a blow up doll

    2. EP95


      love that movie

  22. hell yeah awolnation in atl

    1. jeep0312


      im seeing them thursday in orlando

    2. audiolamb6


      Pretty damn good show

  23. wish i had some help gettin this stuff put in my car

    1. audiolamb6


      well all i got done was the wiring guess ill get it done this weekend

    2. WastedTalent


      I'd help if I was close.

  24. zip 33 is out anyone tried it yet

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