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Status Updates posted by meade916

  1. Post pics in the new Amp Gut section - lets build it up! We need moar pics!!!

    1. ineeDBass419
    2. Katt


      I have a possible suggestion, If logical. Maybe a Thread for each maker, then stickied?

      DC, DD, FI, AA, RF, AQ, Then a Other thread for other amps? If you see where im going, lol.

  2. Premium Classifieds FTW! Sold 3 T2500.1bd amps QUICK! I hope they live a long and happy life with their new owners!

    1. Kyblack76


      I know where a pair went !!, and he is a epic cool cat. He is the "type" that deserves them.... Cheers ..,

    2. meade916


      i wonder if he got them yet....i haven't checked tracking :D

  3. PREORDERS of the DD-1 from RAY at Audio Innovations ship out to him today!

  4. PREORDERS of the DD-1 from RAY at Audio Innovations ship out to him today!

  5. Rockford Fosgate flew in and brought a six mic array....we are tuning up the Lex #SQ

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Well that sounds like fun!

    3. ALPINE408


      i would love to hear it when its done ... been judgin sq and heard cars you would not belive would like to see how there tune stacks up

    4. OrionStang


      Would be nice if they would come setup my 360.3 for me. Looking at the manual now, there's a lot going on.

  6. Rockford Fosgate T5's sound AMAZING!!!! To me anyway. All i wanna do is drive and play with my system now!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      You post this status with no mention of making a video.... Knowing we're all vid whores lol. Distance or SQ test maybe?

    3. alaskanzx5


      how about a road trip to alaska??


    4. tdsa23


      Or the the bay area?

  7. seems you guys are losing interest in SOTM even with some very nice prizes and great odds. Only 16 contestants this time with $150 cash on the line. This MIGHT be the last month i do this.

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Soccerballzs


      Change it up with walled builds!, trunk builds, single sub size, amp size.

    3. Nubcakeninja


      i would enter but my build isnt ready yet!!! haha just gotta wait a little longer

  8. seen some titties at the Tech N9 show tonight - gonna post to the 18+ section later LOL

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raptorman


      Lucky bastard! Love Tech.

    3. 8ight


      So lucky. Seeing Tech, that is, not the titties.

    4. Raptorman


      Did he play This Ring?

  9. Site Crashed today - have a few issues to fix - one of them is Recent Topics...hang tight we are on it!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Keith77
    3. Keith77
    4. Herokight


      I almost threw my cousin's laptop. It's a shitbox anyway, so I thought it was just the computer.

  10. site had a technical issue last night....i have no idea how long it was down for. But we are back! Spen half the morning stressing over it but feeling good again. :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. juan777


      And we're back!

    3. Kyblack76


      I actually worked when I got to work. Not cool Meade. Not cool.

    4. Jhunt94


      ^same here, I was worried that I was going to have to actually pay attention in class tonight haha




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rebel4055
    3. audiofanaticz


      working great!!! its been a long time since its been this responsive!! great job!!! :D

    4. Nine8SST


      Now that you mention it, it is loading alot faster! Thanks man!

  14. site is running slow as hell for me today..how about you guys? is it just me?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Tecomah


      Fine for me, boss

    3. 2loud4uboyz


      O.k here in Georgia.

    4. Bocaj


      It was a little bit ago but is fine now.

  15. Site was down for hours...don't know what happened...were back though! sorry bout that!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Swordlordboy1234


      Last night I had to spend more time on YouTube because I didn't have Smd threads to read as I fell asleep. Damn you Steve! :) thanks for bringing her back up so quick though.

    3. justin0943


      I thought it was me I kept refreshing the page like 10 times

    4. Tecomah


      I thought i got bant or something

  16. SMD D'Amore Engineering CC-1 on the way soon!

  17. SOME BITTER ASS MOTHERFUCKING FORUMS OUT THERE - ADD DYI TO THE LIST LOL! Nobody on other forums ever congradulates, just hates. OH WELL.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nCOMP1337


      i know, but never hurts to hear it again, lol

      ive seen your name became a sort of taboo on other forums, i really dont bother much with other forums anymore

    3. B Slaps

      B Slaps

      x2 i use this forum and this one only.

    4. Nine8SST


      So true, I got called a Steve Meade nut hugger there bc of one of my build pics.

  18. Sorry guys, unfortunately no Black friday/Cyber monday deals from me. Don't have enough product on the shelves to support it and it takes MONTHS for anything to be manufactured lately. Wish i could! Maybe next year..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Miguels


      im talking about giving a discount to become a supporting member

    3. rockFord_Expedition
    4. Miguels


      speaking of that.. i have never taken advantage of it lol never knew it existed

  19. Spend $50 they say you should have spent $100. Spend $1000 they ask you why you didn't buy something that was $2,000 instead. Spend $2,000 they say that you could have gotten the $5,000 model. It never ends. One thing is for sure, i have yet to get a check in the mail to go with the "suggestion". SMH LOL

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Swordlordboy1234


      Ill take any of those suggestion items or checks also. Put me on the waiting list.

    3. meade916
    4. SnowDrifter


      Spend $5000 and someone will say you could have gotten the same for $2000

  20. System of the Month only has 16 entries this month with $150 on the line out of my own pocket. If it isn't appreciated, then SOTM will soon disappear. I hate wasting time, money and bandwith if nobody is interested.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. PaulPumpsBass


      I haven't entered yet because I don't think my system stands a chance at winning. And... I've been in Afghanistan, so I couldn't take and upload pictures to enter them for the contest. I could enter the contest next week though!

    3. Barnett 313

      Barnett 313

      Steve I would had loved to in SOTM, but you know my system was stolen out my truck and I have to get a whole new system. Money is tight right now for some of us, Steve we appreciate everything that you do for us bassheads!!

  21. that moment when some Skeletor looking tweaker calls me fat and looks like he has been up 4 days. Ill take the food over the meth, thank you very much. Stay skinny, Skela' bro.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ROLEXrifleman


      I remember during an arrest one guy told me I needed PX90, he tried to fight me. I asked him how that 225lb fist felt when he woke up

    3. Miguels


      Police brutally yo

    4. ROLEXrifleman


      Serve, protect, and break a......

  22. The "Garage" is a great place to show off your BEST pics of your system! I will be highlighting the best pics from the best garages on Facebook and Twitter so post em up and GET SEEN!

  23. the Lex is officially DUMPED...

    1. meade916


      thats old man speak for lowered a lot. I didnt get rid of it. lol

    2. MarioB
    3. LUNATIK


      ut oh gonna have to look is it scrapin pavement yet?

  24. the lier told everyone i banned him for asking what my Tahoe meters. My scores have been in my sig for at least 5 years. Proof he is full of shit. It makes no sense.

    1. stevog


      haters gonna hate. just forget about them.

    2. meade916


      hating and making shit up to make me look bad is 2 different things.

    3. Ddub847


      dont know you personally but i try not to let people that dont matter to me not effect me. If they do they get what they want. Your friends know who you are and what your really about.

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