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Status Updates posted by Real96SS

  1. Anybody got any tricks for keeping your windows up during competition? Mine always start rolling themselves don a little during my runs and it kills my score.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      holyshit I must not be loud lol I have never had that happen

    3. Karkov


      you got a nice new Avalanche too, holy hell man...

    4. Sergeant_Skyrim


      Are you allowed to Gorilla tape the outsides up to the roof?

  2. Sometimes you just want to reply to certain people but you dont cause it would be mean and they would probably just say your hating.

    1. zack_e89
    2. Sheena


      pre meditated hater.

    3. Real96SS


      Hush both of you are haters for replying LoL

  3. 6 Fi Team series 18's in less than a month. Now thats fast :)

    1. Karkov


      soooooooooooo jealous bro

    2. SnowDrifter



      How long did it take for yours from order to doorstep?

    3. Real96SS


      It took 2 months for me to get mine but these are for my Teammate and apparently Fi is back on track.So his got done alot faster than we expected.

  4. What does psst stand for and why do people post it in topics with nothing else behind or in front of it?

    1. sayhuh?
    2. mikelbolton



      Please say something, thanks.


    3. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      pussy stanks so terrible?

  5. I dont understand how someone can run 3x rated power to some subs and then complain when they blow their subs.Stop making videos showing your stupidity trashing the brand when its all your fault.RT

    1. OrionStang


      Link to the latest.

    2. scooter99


      You mean you can't run a RF t2500.1bd to a p1 12 in a sealed box! WTF!?!?! SINCE WHEN!!!! lol

    3. Real96SS


      Dude had a DC 5k on some BTL N2's playing the crap out of them.Then when they gave out he says FI quality has gone downhill and he doesnt understand why his coils came unwound and melted LoL!!!

  6. With a 4th order where are you suppose to set your ssf and crossover?

    1. Hugh G. Rection

      Hugh G. Rection

      depending on your tuning, im gonna take a wild guess and say somewhere between all the way down and all the way up.

    2. Real96SS


      Sorry my tuning on port side is 48hz.Reason I asked is because of 4th orders being able to play a wider frequency range than a regular ported box.If you tune it the same as a normal ported box then I'm good.

    3. Hotdog


      Tune the sealed chamber for low end and tune the loading wall for high end

  7. If I have sold my subs out my truck or they are no longer installed, Am I still eligible for SOTM? Rule 11 says: 11.) MUST be your current set up.

    1. n8ball2013


      if you sold them or your install is not 95 percent complete that means you arent eligible.

    2. Jessica


      Take out the sub box, i don't think you are required to have subs for sotm are you? That would be weird. Might have to ask on that.

    3. Real96SS


      Thanks N8 just wanted to make sure. I'm not selling my subs FYI.

  8. Got the last 9k today.Were almost there people.Almost :)

    1. Miguels
    2. Ninja_v1.0


      do werk son.. you are going to need every bit of power from them.. these gawt damn facking sbus laugh at everything i throw at them :(

    3. Real96SS


      Sensai you got the Teams now? If these laugh at me then later on Im going to add more power for them :)

  9. Ben Waage of Las Vegas is a scammer that ducks people like his name Mayweather when it comes time to produce the product he promised. Hopefully none of the SMD community has placed an order with him for an alternator bracket cause if you don't have it, then you wont get it

    1. OrionStang


      Make it a thread, and explain the situation. I, and others, have no clue who the fuck Ben Waage is.

    2. Real96SS


      Do we have a scammer section on here? Would be nice if we did but this guy is local to me in Vegas and my Team mate paid him $400 back in December for a bracket for his 07 Tahoe. As of like 3 months ago he stop replying to him. So my team mate hit me up since I was in Vegas and I told him I would help him out. Which I did by calling him out on FB where he admitted to owing money but then reported the post and had it removed.

    3. OrionStang


      Post it in the buyer/seller feedback section.

  10. So my alternator voltage set point apparently is 15.3 but I thought it was 14.8 So why in the heck does it charge at 14.8 with the blue wire connected and 15.3 without it?

    1. Lbox88


      Fuck, IIRC the blue wire is like a feedback loop in an amp circuit using an op-amp, it's to regulate it basically.

    2. Real96SS


      Yeah i been talking to Anthony at DC and he said that when its not connected the alternator thinks it needs to charge higher and thats why its charging at 15.3.So I can actually do a QD on it so at comps i can charge at 15.3 instead of 14.8 :)

    3. Lbox88


      Or better yet, add wire and wire it up to a switch inside your vehicle to the alt so that you don't even need the QD and can easily do it whenever you want to ;)

  11. What product do you guys use to edit your videos and give them a more professional look?

    1. Cox


      sony vegas

    2. REVOofRustler


      Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD

    3. Dwn4BassAlan


      yea, Vegas too. But it's expensive unless you're an expert pirate from the carribean (if you know what I mean)

  12. Sorry about 2 statuses back to back but I feel some special right now. I just got a phone call from DC Power letting me know what was going on with me alts.Didn't ask them to call but it made my day for sure.Guess things are turning around over at DC Power.

    1. Raptorman


      Are they getting better CS?

    2. Real96SS


      Seems that way.I remember reading somewhere that Kyle said they were making changes due to certain people not really taking care of customers the way they should have been.Im sure if he see's this post he will chime in.

  13. This my first round at welding and I have to say its fun but time consuming for sure. Can't wait to see the finished product :)

    1. diegoclass2010


      welding is fun :).. what are you welding and with what?

    2. Real96SS


      Welding some 2x1/4 tubing with a Lincoln 80a wire feeder(I think thats right). I had a friend show me some basics but I have had to pretty much learn on my own. Youtube helped LoL

  14. Where are the DB-R reps?

    1. DaJuice


      Right! I been trying to get a hold of them since last Thursday.

    2. Real96SS


      They finally emailed me back yesterday letting me know that my amps were going to be shipped out today.

  15. Just got back from Fi Headquaters meeting Shawn and Scott.Two of the coolest guys I have met.Got me some Fi goodies and a FI order placed for some real real nice goodies :)

    1. Leo1103
    2. Real96SS


      LoL no pics of any equipment just a couple pics of my Fi Hoodie and T-Shirt.Next time I got to take some pictures with Shawn and Scott(with his handlebar mustache) LoL

  16. Handmade American products cost less than chinese built products?

    1. Watch the bass

      Watch the bass

      Yes when the chinese rule the world in 2 or 3 decades!

    2. Real96SS


      Well I guess the Chinese rule now seeing how people are paying right at $100 more for a Prefab Chinese built sub over something hand made in the US with better quality.

  17. Anybody got an IM-SG they want to get rid of or is their a discount code somewhere before I just buy it new?

    1. meade916


      contact me personally @ [email protected] - i will hook you up with better then discount code (since you are a supporting member)

    2. Real96SS


      Email sent. Thanks brother

  18. Anybody wanna try and guess some numbers for my setup?Amps turned up but still need tuning in the 360 and its not sealed yet.

  19. Anybody got suggestions on some good PA speakers?

    1. New2Dis


      Beyma and B&C

    2. Real96SS


      Yeah I was looking at Beyma,Selenium and MTX

  20. Last show of the season and I closed out on a high note.Took first place overall with a season high 152.9 on the TL. First overall loudest at a show this season.Also took home top 3 Dub Style and of course biggest rims :). Another awesome Italian CarShow and Weekend. Next time the Avy will be on show, she will be stateside and maybe a 2013 model html>

    1. OrionStang


      Where the fuck were all these shows when I was over there?

    2. Real96SS


      Dude its almost a show every weekend during the season.It was 2 this weekend so had to pick which one to attend since it was my last. Of course had to shoot for the biggest one and it turned out to be a really good show that I did really good at :). Did you ever get that wire?

  21. So what are the basic Grit sandpaper you need when dealing with fiberglass?Also what other tools would you recommend besides just a orbital sander?

    1. pimpnFosgates


      i use 40 and 80 for fiberglass. and 80 to 180 for bondo. if u sand with 180 itll sand smooth enough that you wont see scratches in the primer. anything lower and you will. i go as high as 240 before primer sometime. just me...

    2. pimpnFosgates
  22. Finally found a house and had Cox hooked up. Can you say 50mb's? Fastest internet next to fiber optics FTW!!!

    1. OrionStang


      You found a house that quick? Renting?

    2. Real96SS


      Yeah Im renting and I looked at a couple houses before settling for this one. Its perfect except I didnt get a 3 car garage :( But getting 3100sqft a monster master bed bath and walk in closet and the perfect kitchen for $1400 a month....winning.Were still looking for a house to buy though that has everything we want.

  23. Need an amp capable of putting out at least 600rms@2ohms over 2 channel

    1. IBleedMusick


      Soundstream TX2.1500

    2. Real96SS


      Forgot to mention something with decent crossovers.Im looking at the ZED amps and some of the Italian amps over here. Mosconi and STEG

  24. Im confused. Am I looking at a Skar sub or a Sundown sub?

    1. Soccerballzs


      Same here to many similarities.

    2. ToNasty


      ya this is old news. to bad people can do that nowadays

  25. WTF is up with all these companies and there terrible customer service?I don't know about you but I like to get responses to my emails and phone calls after I have given someone a chunk of my money?

    1. OrionStang


      A lot of it is staffing cutbacks due to the shitty economy.

    2. Real96SS


      That sucks because us the consumer don't know this and we end up finding a different company that always answers

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