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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/13 in all areas

  1. It would be sweet of some people to upgrade membership to help out with that cost *cough cough* Good luck and thanks for the upgrade.
    4 points
  2. For the technical people, we're running on a Pentium 4 with 2.8GHZ with Hyper Threading.. now we're moving to a 3.5Ghz e3-1270-V2 Ivy Bridge with HT so we're getting 6 more processors than we already have... it's gonna be fast
    3 points
  3. i only read a few posts there because i have other shit to do besides read the BULLSHIT on that BULLSHIT site. I have heard of this before but was giving DB-R the benefit of the doubt because they CANT BE THAT STUPID. But apparently they are. I guess i have to go buy myself a Sundown amp and make a youtube video proving that the DD-1 won't hurt it. The DD-1 won't hurt your amp any more then an oscope will (and it wont) or a DMM (and it shouldn't either). that guy should be embarrassed. I am calling Sundown right now i don't care if i gotta drop $1000 to shut this FOOL up.
    3 points
  4. Ill be honest db-r wont get any of my business. Not only have I seen ans heard of some hacked amps leaving there they are now blaming a tool with no proof. Just hearsay. I can call up and say yeah I blew my amp gains were tuned with a dd-1 and not even own one. Then to turn around and recommend a scope that performs the same function makes no sense. If you work in a technical capacity you should be able to say this is why I say what I say. If I told someone in my line of work that something was causing issues and I had no proof id be looking for work elsewhere.
    3 points
  5. OK i just dropped the loot on the new server. ********TONIGHT AROUND 5 ISH THE SITE MIGHT GO DOWN AND I DON'T KNOW WHEN ITS COMING BACK - BUT WHEN IT DOES ITS GONNA BE GOOOOOOOOOOD!"******* we might have the same problem last time i did this. Due to DNS changes, some of you might be able to get right back on and other's won't be able to for maybe a whole day. I WILL have small issues but with your help we will work through them. I had to pay this months server bill because it was due. This is what i got. Option 3 (Biggest Baddest Server) - Hive 3.5Ghz e3-1270-V2 Ivy Bridge with HT 32GB DDR3 Ram 480 GB SSD Drive 60 GB SSD Drive (OS is Loaded on this) 1TB HD (7200RPM) 5TB of Bandwidth $400 / month
    2 points
  6. Awwww, Steve.. You got yourself a "Stan"
    2 points
  7. in other words. I have no proof im just slandering.
    2 points
  8. every single amp i have ever used the DD-1 on from the Rockford CP series, to very VERY large DC audio (on 18v), to the cheapest crunch amps have not even shown a sign of a problem. This guy is a fucking douche and i wouldn't take my alarm clock to him for a repair after reading some of the bullshit he is spreading in that thread.
    2 points
  9. He's worried about how the DD-1 doesn't account for voltage drop, when he should be worrying about how to stop the voltage from dropping in the first place... :/
    2 points
  10. There is going to be people who will hate anything with Steve's name attached it, and it has nothing to do with the product.
    2 points
  11. That's right folks! Giving away a lovely SMD DD-1 along with a tweaking screwdriver and a signed SMD business card! All you have to do is be subscribed to me and post in the video! Easy! Got the blessing from the main man Steve to post this up.....and get this Steve will also be sending the winner a FREE SMD Baseball Cap!!!!!!! Not too shabby right? Here is the video.......GET IN THERE!
    1 point
  12. guys, no matter what i do, no matter what tricks Kyle tries, the site just doesn't STAY fast for more then a day. The other day he did something and it was BLAZING fast...and under 24 hours later, like i predicted, it was back to molasses again. As you might know, when i post something i find interesting to FB and Twitter the site gets hammered HARD. Sometimes over 1000 people looking at one thread. So it really taxes my server. I am now looking into one that is MUCH MUCH better. 2 SSD Drives, tons of storage on a 3rd drive, tons of ram and over all a way better setup. It is going to cost almost double what it costs now but its ok, i just want it to run RIGHT. so stay tuned, i will let you guys know ahead of time when it might go down. I hope this week. Gotta hammer out some details and im just gonna get this started. Then after that i am going to upgrade the forum software to the newest version AGAIN. thanks for your patience and sorry the site has been so damn slow lately! It irritates the SHIT out of me too, trust me.
    1 point
  13. Check out this custom VM-1 install. I saw this on Facebook but i don't think he is a member here. I tried to comment on his pictures but i can't for some reason. Anyway, this is another example of how you can fit this in your ride. We provide a bezel but you can modify it anyway you like.
    1 point
  14. Steve this really should be humorous idiotic comedy for you, just laugh at these fools man, I do it all the time, helps me get through my day, idiots, I tell ya phucking idiots...
    1 point
  15. Which sundown amps?? I can put my finger on a lot of amps my dd-1 and cc-1 has tuned... 5 different Sundown 4500s, some of them multiple times because things in the install have been changed. 2 Sundown NS-1s 1 Sundown 200.4 1 Sundown 100.2 2 Sundown 100.4 and theres probably been more that Im forgetting. All amps still working 100%, and hell I probably have misc videos doing so. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9Z57r1NsEI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZJAlKetlUY just proof your full of it. I was quoting db-r lol Ok, my bad then.. In that case, as much as I like his quality of amp repairs, DB-r is FULL OF IT!
    1 point
  16. That is hot. My car leaves me no options for a nice place like that.
    1 point
  17. Which sundown amps?? I can put my finger on a lot of amps my dd-1 and cc-1 has tuned... 5 different Sundown 4500s, some of them multiple times because things in the install have been changed. 2 Sundown NS-1s 1 Sundown 200.4 1 Sundown 100.2 2 Sundown 100.4 and theres probably been more that Im forgetting. All amps still working 100%, and hell I probably have misc videos doing so. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9Z57r1NsEI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZJAlKetlUY just proof your full of it. I was quoting db-r lol
    1 point
  18. just saying, I'd plow his aunt lol Ball so hard with hearts on his page lol.. I would stuff his aunt too. I wonder if its him lolol. Imma comment on his youtube page with a link to that FB page see what he says.
    1 point
  19. Well how the hell do they expect you to be nice when they say you're the biggest piece of shit? Lol.. I dont see them handing out thousands of dollars in equipment for people who need it or want it. People are stupid these days, and a lot of them are kids that think their the shit on the internet. Bet they wouldnt say a damn thing in person, only want to shake your hand.
    1 point
  20. Nice! But a whole day without smd???? I feel my hives coming right now lol jk
    1 point
  21. PLUS like i said, once we are screaming fast and all done, i will have Kyle upgrade the forum software. It should be REAL nice in here soon!
    1 point
  22. I thought you were supposed to get paid for ads that are ran off your site? Sorry, if I don't fully understand advertising. when you become a paid member google ads are turned off, in other words the money you pay for membership is around the same the site would make for ads
    1 point
  23. I thought you were supposed to get paid for ads that are ran off your site? Sorry, if I don't fully understand advertising.
    1 point
  24. just saying, I'd plow his aunt lol
    1 point
  25. So what has Sundown said about this bs?? Have they heard anything about this happening wth the DD-1?
    1 point
  26. if you put a DD-1 in your amp terminal and it immediately went up in smoke, i would be concerned. If you shoved your dick in the terminal and it didn't blow up but a month later it blew up, i STILL WOULDN'T be able to blame your dick. It just does not make sense at all.
    1 point
  27. and this is how its done when you put your name on your work. you dont just do the work sign your name and be done with it. you make sure that the product works and works right and when someone tries to say otherwise you stand behind the product do what you can to prove it works. this is why people talk shit, they talk shit because what you do is improve car audio and have a good time doing it while most of these haters are sitting around playing games instead of trying to make a name for themselfs.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. there is another post now and db-r won't warranty amps they repair if a dd-1 is used on it after the fix. http://www.caraudioclassifieds.org/forum/db-r/143623-using-dd-1-set-gains.html
    1 point
  30. Here is what the Sideways DC Sound Lab would look like. Shirt color and logo colors can be changed. Front Back
    1 point
  31. Completely Jealous..clean simple and sexy. love the look. i wonder if theres a chance these will be available in a different color. not to re-invent the wheel but alot of us guys have red lit interiors. would be cool to see in red or white led
    1 point
  32. Don't we all wish we had a perfect spot like that!? That's nice tho
    1 point
  33. i am gonna start offering these with a cigarrette lighter adapter so you can just plug the bitch in and go. I already have one in the Lex and my sons Honda. I just changed out the alternator in it (the 90 accord) and its NICE to keep tabs on the overall health and not have to do any fiberglassing. Yet anyway the adapter works real nice.
    1 point
  34. now that is customer service at its finest!
    1 point
  35. no doubt about it guys, if you can get a hold of the two that didn't match, send them in, i will pay shipping both ways. Just send it i can paypal you the $10 bucks or whatever it is. Please CLEARLY mark your name, address and issue and leave it in a note or something on the inside so i can get it back to you right away. I have only seen that one other time and it was some guy with some crazy home/pro/something contraption hooked up and i don't believe he was using our test tones when it all came down to it. I think that is what happened. did you guys use a disc or did you download the tracks and burn them yourself? I just can't figure out how that can happen. I bet i could take serial # -2 (the original ORIGINAL proto) and put it up against a new unit. The only diff is the serial number negative 2 ate 9v batteries for lunch send those in if you can i am highly interested to see what, if anything, is going on.
    1 point
  36. i have no idea how that is even possible. I can (and have) taken my original prototype, serial #0001 and put it next to serial #003000 and it would be exactly the same. I could put it next to an HV and have it be exactly the same. I even made a video showing they are all the same. I have no idea what you guys did, i wasn't there but something isn't right. If you feel the product has a problem, send it in, i will take a look at it. Actually send them both in i would like to see for myself. This is why I wouldn't mind owning a DD-1 besides the fact that it's great and has set a new industry standard. You get Steve quality service because it is literally his own name at stake. I love someone who stands behind their products, not many individuals or companies are willing to anymore.
    1 point
  37. if that guy really did say that, then he really isn't that respectable....because a DD-1 won't break an amp any quicker then a DMM or an O-scope would. That is the most ludicris thing i have heard. Go pick the most cheapest, flea market amp you can find. A Boss amp perhaps. And shove a DD-1 probe into it. I bet it doesn't blow. So if it doesn't blow, made of the cheapest parts there is, then what does that say about whatever amp that was that blew? I highly doubt it did FROM our product. I have never seen it EVER and sold 3,000 of them so far...not one customer called and said their amp blew. in fact i have 100% ratings on every single transaction and after sell. Go look at the comments. Nothing but love. This product is sold and being used in training courses all over the world. The people who don't like it are just MAD...and they can stay that way I am extremely happy. And the most awesome thing is you are dumping all that money back into development for more and better products. My sincere thanks Steve!
    1 point
  38. if that guy really did say that, then he really isn't that respectable....because a DD-1 won't break an amp any quicker then a DMM or an O-scope would. That is the most ludicris thing i have heard. Go pick the most cheapest, flea market amp you can find. A Boss amp perhaps. And shove a DD-1 probe into it. I bet it doesn't blow. So if it doesn't blow, made of the cheapest parts there is, then what does that say about whatever amp that was that blew? I highly doubt it did FROM our product. I have never seen it EVER and sold 3,000 of them so far...not one customer called and said their amp blew. in fact i have 100% ratings on every single transaction and after sell. Go look at the comments. Nothing but love. This product is sold and being used in training courses all over the world. The people who don't like it are just MAD...and they can stay that way I am extremely happy.
    1 point
  39. anything with my name on it might get you flamed and that is because those guys are losers, period. They are mad at me for being successful while they are on the sidelines mad AS FUCK they didn't come up with it first, nor did they have a team like i do who know's everything about everything. just some angry bored individuals out there with nothing but a keyboard and probably don't even have a system......but damn sure have a big mouth.
    1 point
  40. I think most of the people that hate on the DD-1 are those that refuse to pay the money for it just because they have tuned all their systems on their own and haven't had issues, or those that get their system tuned with a DD-1 only to realize that after it's properly tuned they are in fact much quieter than before re-tuning.
    1 point
  41. So next time I'm in Utah, you guys are buying drinks, right?
    1 point
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