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Status Updates posted by meade916

  1. I bought a JBL GTO EZ501 amp with the new integrated gain setting system...and put it up against a DD-1. Anyone interested in the results?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DTS909


      Where's the vid?

    3. DTS909


      Where's the vid?

    4. KillaCam


      I'm interested too but you guys don't have to pitch a tent over it. :D

  2. I gotta Mechman Alternator on the way for the IS-F.  13.1v stock ftmfl.  I need 14.5+ for my hungry amps!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DTS909
    3. MarioB


      I think ima roll with a Mechman 320 for my next alt.

    4. Mario928


      what is the amperage on the new mechman?

  3. i just saw a thread in the trash bin from some douchebag youtube troll - apparantly making money off youtube is for faggots. hahah, is that the best you got? jesus

    1. B Slaps

      B Slaps

      haters gonna hate steve. just keep rollin that lexus and lookin fresh bro.

  4. If people only know who you are by accidentally spelling my name wrong, you probably shouldn't be calling ME the imposter. God damn i hate seeing people that i thought were cool dog shitting on me when they think i am not looking. People wonder why i distance myself from strangers. TRUST NO MAN is my motto and my circle is smaller than a pinhead because of it.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. OrionStang
    3. CstrokerV


      i hate mfers like that..... i will bend over back words for people untill you burn the bridge then they wonder why im not around for them anymore

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      How many of us have them, lol

  5. if you were raised by a computer and not a father, you should pick and choose how you talk to grown folks - in other words watch your mouth.

  6. issues: some posts in the last hour may have been lost. No more for tonight.....leaving it alone for now.

  7. it sucks being successful and being in a place in life where you have a lot to lose. Just means you cant knock the gay ass sunglasses off someones face who deserves it like back in the day when i didn't have shit.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. satish1015


      that's when you get someone else to knock it off for you lol

    3. Born_Again


      It wouldn't be a bad idea to talk with a lawyer or two about setting your fam up so if you do get sued you won't lose everything.

    4. Maebros


      i cannot argue with you there, and i suppose you have a little more to lose than i do.

  8. just DEMOLISHED the windshield on the DGAF tercel and broke a 160.2 at the dash! Instagram video clip is up and i am working on a YT video now. The 7" roundover on the port made a huge difference although it keeps blowing out even with large screws and washers.

  9. Just got off the phone with e40 Fonzarelli - looks like he is coming to the shop soon for a demo......and discuss an install. That would be an epic youtube video with the man himself in my Tahoe! Can't wait for that!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Krakin


      Congratulations man!

    3. goodvibez


      Shit just got real! That would be sick if he wanted you to build him something. I'm sure a demo of the tahoe would be a great way to seal the deal:) Either way friggin sweet man!

    4. Scar7ace


      im glad man as long as u have been playing his songs for music and bass! im glad and happy man would be epic for a youtube video.....:D keep up the good work bro

  10. Just noticed we had almost 15,000 people on the site today at one time! Over 10,000 right now....DAMN - i wonder where they are coming from :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Barnett 313

      Barnett 313

      They are coming to see what you are doing next my bass bro......

    3. LoudSoundRussia


      Nice! Very good forum! Like it very much!

    4. spllover


      I'm from AZ and hopefully 1 day i will get to visit you at your shop

  11. Just ordered a Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 - BASS Demo's from a DRONE? IS-F Chase video? cheeeaaaa

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. purplesyrup


      ive been debating on gettong one of those, looks a little more crash resistant than my last RC copter, lol

    3. purplesyrup


      ive been debating on gettong one of those, looks a little more crash resistant than my last RC copter, lol

    4. hershy314


      been wanting one of those, just too damn expensive.

  12. Just remember guys, some of the shit you post on FB might end up here. If you are a racist, you might want to check your settings.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Emmet


      Ireland ain't too bad tbh, skin colour doesn't really matter much over here, foreign nationals however... sometimes they get a hard time.

    3. IBleedMusick


      You know the best part of this whole situation is this dudes comment on Steves FB saying his comment was not racist.

    4. Real96SS


      I never said anything about the world being roses candy and puppies.I was only referring to racism.I have been to more countries than most could dream about and only in the US have I ever been looked down on because the color of my skin.Don't believe me get a passport and do some traveling and see for yourself.

  13. Just saw a "how to set gains" video that should have been a how NOT to set gains video. Sucks that so many people will watch and think it was done right. SMH

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. meade916


      it's someone a lot of people watch and it's funny a few people in the comments have the nerve to dog name out while praising this guys incorrect method. Whatever though...nothin i can do about it.

    3. dangaranga


      eh, I've come across a lot of haters of the DD-1. I just shrug and laugh when they are complaining about blowing their shit and how such an such sub is garbage. While I'm just sitting there laughing with my setup running over twice and cool as a cucumber since I make sure i use my DD-1 on everything.

    4. dangaranga


      ***twice rms*** my bad.

  14. Just saw a pic of the new Ascendant Audio SMD Woofer! I can't share it yet, but SOON! Its kinda wild looking, i can't wait to post it!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DTS909


      Show us the goods!

    3. Ddub847


      when does it release im lookin for a new 18

    4. stevog


      how soon is soon

  15. Just woke up....i guess i was supposed to go to work today...we will shoot for tomorrow instead GADDAMMN CHICKEN HILL

  16. Just woke up....i guess i was supposed to go to work today...we will shoot for tomorrow instead GADDAMMN CHICKEN HILL

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. siccostyle


      hahahahah damn 2:00pm thats to funny. At least you had fun last night. Chicken Hill would be a fun place to kick it.

    3. BeatBox


      hahahaha that damn beer flu!

    4. audiofanaticz
  17. Kenwood deck: passed. Soundigital Nano 250 passed. Punch 1000.1 Passed. Punch 400.2 passed. Can't wait for my battery bank to get here so i can really do some testing! :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kyblack76




      In for that. Cuz,. i know someone that can get bats..... (ya, that would be you boss)

    3. purplesyrup


      this is fun, have you made a thread showing everything your testing? if you have i cant find it. maybe even a section in the forum just for amp dyno results for everyone that owns one.

    4. DVBin916


      Steve speaking of Testing and bench tests. I got 1 for you. could you call a long lost friend! when you get a chance in that busy schedule. ;)

  18. Kev's van is ummmm loud. And Psyph Morrisons new album hits hard as fuck. That is all.

  19. Lexus up on the Lift - Brakes being painted "F" Blue, prepping for wheel day next week!

  20. Liar? Thief? Snitch? Informant? Setup guy? SAY IT AINT SO!!! I am surprised this shit has not blown the car audio community on it's back. I haven't seen anything online yet. Lets just say, if someone tries to trade you something (that is illegal to mail) for an amp DON'T DO IT!!! I am in shock about what i heard the other day.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. meade916


      i am just in a state of shock that is all...hoping it isn't true although my sources are pretty solid. But it's just sad. Way sad.

    3. Ram


      inquiring minds wanna know ;] so we can protect ourselves too :)

    4. Skullz


      Sounds like some fucked up shit, and i hate fucking thieves as i had to live with a brother that stole anything and everything under the god damn roof not nailed down.

  21. Like a hubcap in the fastlane - still holding on to that number one car audio site in the WORLD title. For the doubters, i got that Alexa rating to prove it. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Dont care....

      Best site.. PERIOD on the planet....

    3. 96Blazer


      This site is hands down better! though I cant get on as much as id like my 50$ a year isn't going anywhere but here!

  22. LT. Smoke - you got mail.  ;)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. audiofanaticz


      booby never was a fast or smart one :P

    3. LT.Smoke


      Fuck you brian... LOL

    4. n8ball2013


      lt smoke proud supporter of no child left behind.

  23. M.P.R. please stop that we all hate copy/paste bullshit in the updates. Thanks :)

  24. madden 13 ps3....who wants some? invite meade916 within the next 10 minutes or so.  Come get a beat down.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. meade916


      Steelers....mainly because i always gotta fight over the raiders with my friends and i can't get good with them if i can't use them.. so i always been using steelers if i can't get the raiders


    3. WastedTalent


      28-0 almost at half? Damn Steve. You a beast, I'm scared now. Maybe I won't try to play you now. Lmfao, jk, I'll take that beatin like a champ. If you ever free during a weekend and wanna play, I'm game. Guarantee won't be 28-0 at half. Haha.

    4. tdsa23


      Damn I want to play Steve next time I was just playing to

  25. Merry Chrstmas everyone!! Time to dive in Like Greg Louganis :D

    1. dog24fret


      Merry Christmas to you too sir.

    2. Hotdog


      Merry Christmas Steve

    3. DTS909


      Back at you steve.

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