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  1. Hello all, new member here and to the car audio family. I never had a system in the 90's when all the boys had them and now I have recently been super interested in getting something simple. We only have the 1 SUV for the whole family so going all out is out of the question. I really just want a single 12" ported enclosure. Leaning towards Kicker Comp Q (will need a recommendations for an enclosure), or an L7. Nothing too elaborate. My wife is not into "bass" as we are, so obviously I am going to need something that can be turned down whenever her and the kids are in the truck. I am assuming a bass knob will do the trick but not absolutely sure. As yall can see I am very green/new to all of this. I have "some" knowledge but not enough. Anyways, I know that car audio is more difficult now than it was back in the day. I have a 2021 Ford Expedition Max Limited with the 12 speaker B&O system on the factory SYNC3 head unit. From what I understand it cannot be "upgraded" w/o losing the SYNC3 functions etc. Correct me if I am wrong. Quite frankly I really don't necessarily need or want to replace the head unit nor any of the speakers (at least not yet). I plan on upgrading mids & highs later. I am just wanting to add a new (better) sub/amp. So, back to newer vehicles aren't as simple...I know that the factory stereo has bass roll off and I will have to install a LOC as well. Thoughts on the AudioControl LC-1.800, or LC-1.1500. I believe if I researched this correctly that it will kill 2 birds with 1 stone if you will by not having to purchase an LC2i(Pro)+amp, correct? Should I do the 800 or the 1500 is another question? Thoughts on DSP's, Epicenter Micro. Upgrades to electrical. All the small things etc. Any and all advise, criticism, recommendations is more than welcome. I could not find through the search function anything on my specific vehicle, so if anyone has a 4th gen expy or has installed in one, please feel free to reach out. My apologies for the rambling. I am new to all of this including forums and what the proper etiquette is in these things but im sure I'll be undoubtedly educated by someone. Thanks again. My email if anyone wants to reach out is [email protected] if that's your preference of communication. Thanks again. 🫡🤝🤜🤛 **If this is the wrong Forum/Sub-Forum, just let me know which forum to move it to & I will gladly**
  2. So im looking to build a ported box for my 2 e10 sundown subs. this box has to be ported because i know the difference in sound with sealed and ported with sundown, and ported is the way to go with this brand of subs. i listen to metal and a little bit of rap but i still want my lows to be really nice since i still do listen to rap and the lows of bass drops in metal. i have a 2001 oldsmobile alero. the maximum dimensions i could do to fit in my trunk are 34 inchs wide, 14 1/2 tall, and 30 inchs long. i want 2 separate chambers so the subs will be more punchy. and to be specific i want a vented box. so if anybody could help me out with any box building wisdom. this is my first box build and i dont want to screw up. if there is any more information i left out please let me know. also the recommended box ft^3 are 1.0 - 1.25 @ 35 hertz. i dont know if i would be better off with maybe 40 hz since i listen to metal and i still dont want the highs to be crappy. so please help me out any knowledge is appreciated.
  3. I've got 2 12's (1242d) and am probably going to build a ported box for them. I was just curious if anyone has ever had them in a sealed box, and how they sounded. Or if anyone has had them in a ported box, how they performed.
  4. im in the process of building a ported box housing 2 15" kicker comps. goin in the back of my s10 ext cab. goin 7 cubes @ 33hz. and im stumped. this will be my first box build so i need ideas on designing this. so far this is what ive got, box width: 41 box height: 24 box depth top and bottom : 18 wood thickness: 0.75 square port height 22.5 square port width 4.3 square port L1 12.95 square port L2 12.95 total port lenght 32.4 square port diameter 11.09 square port area 96.75 box vol. (ft3) 6.662 tuned freq: 31.7 id like to be able to have the port firing forward on the passenger side and subs firing up. but this calculator im using isnt givin me any option but to fire both either up or forward together. what i need to know is how the inside should look or how to direct my air to the port ass efficiently as possible. and is my port to big for these subs. if so please give me any advice you can. thanks
  5. Hey everybody. If you could please review my measurements and calculations in Torres' Calculator and let me know if I am on the right track. it would be much appreciated. Building a box for a single 15" Alpine Type R. SWR-1541 powered by about 400w ALSO... I have a question about woofer placement on my design. It is going to be a rear firing and rear facing slot ported box, with 3 common port walls. Where should the woofer be located on the face of the box. If you could take a look at the image below and let me know the best design taking into account my rather long port running along the back inside wall of the enclosure. Ideally, I'd like to use design #3, as I will have to play around with my measurements if I have to use either of the first two designs... Thanks!
  6. Hey there I'm decently new to the box building part of car audio and I needed some help building a ported box for my 2 kicker s10l5's, The max dimensions I can use are 24'' for the height, 40'' for the width, and 18 for the depth. Also is there an easy way to tune the box? I was looking for around 35 Hz
  7. I just built a box for 4 12's but after doing so i started thinking about how to make it much louder, i want a lot of spl, my cars resonant frequency is 49htz would it be louder at like 34htz or if i made a box tuned at around 40htz?
  8. I was wanting some opinions on whether I should port this box or not. It's right at 3^ft after sub and brace displacement. There will be 4 skar vvx 10s in it running off a crescendo bc2000d. That is an amp rack on top in case anyone doesn't know. Thanks for your time.
  9. Hey guys I didn't now whether t post this here or in the enclosures section but here we go. I would like to build a custom ported subwoofer box for my 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport. I have 36 inches wide to work with and 31 tall. Any help would be much appreciated. Oh and this is for 2 DC level 3s 15".
  10. I have recently gotten a sundown audio zv4 15" d2. I'm looking for an amp that will power it along with a secondary battery and then the best way to build a box to go into a Toyota Corolla trunk Whether it's sub port back, sub back port back etc What are some great amp brands that will rms 2000-3500 watts and sustain play It can be bang for buck or bigger price range Also would a aero port be better or regular port space wise and effiecency wise Thank you very much
  11. I've got a 2000 Nissan Pathfinder and right now I'm on my second system, running a Power Acoustik LT1440/2 bridged for a Kicker L7 in a Kicker custom box that they discontinued with the metal grill on it all on stock electrical with a new head unit, 2011 Pioneer DEH-6350SD. The box is pretty big, but im looking to upgrade and found Audio Queue. i live in an area where the only car audio store i know of reps Z-Stat and thats really about it. I tend to stay away from most of their other products and only have a pair Z-Stat woofers in my front doors because i blew my bose up there before i knew much about car audio. Found what ive got now online. Wondering if i were to buy two AQ SDC2.5 12's and throw them in a generic ported box with an MB Quart ONX 1.1500D, if it would be worth the change, or if i would even notice the difference. Should i find a custom box? ported or bandpass?
  12. basically as the title says. i was planning on a .75 ft^3 box for a single 8, but have been reconsidering that option since most people have been saying that the box has to be huge because of the port. I wanted the ported vs the sealed cause i didn't want to lose out on the low stuff 30 Hz and below.
  13. Hey so i'm sure there are many other threads about this somewhere but i cant seem to find one. All im looking for is maybe a link to a previous thread, or some quick dimensions thrown out there that i can run through the box tuning calculator, as i want to do my next system on an Sundown SA-12... Thanks!
  14. i bought a sundown e8, it should be getting here by friday. need help with a ported enclosure. Plan is to have the sub firing inside (backseat fold down) the car and the port on the rear deck. I have a dodge neon as the project car. Amplifier will be a Concept 1004 (first yr. they came out) will be running ch.3,4 bridge, about 200watts to the sub. i want a ported box, i know .6 is the recommended size. i read a guy running a box @ 1 ft. tune at 45hz. Need help on internal volume and port diameter and lengh
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